We truly thank you for your purchase, and when things go wrong, we are here to help in any way that we are capable of doing so.
Inregards to any warranty related matter, please reference the belowinformation to help understand our warranty policies, as these warrantypolicies are absolute when it comes to any purchase made via TorqServo.
Warranty Time Frame
Regarding product(s) purchased via Torq Servo, each manufacturer has their own specified warranty time frame, and Torq Servoholds the sole right to direct the customer to the manufacturer forstated warranty support in regards to manufacturer's that require directlevel warranty support.
Ourstated (14) day return policy directly relates to brand new, unusedproducts being returned for a refund or store credit, and does notrelate to warranty related situations for faulty product(s). Faulty,damaged or problematic items are handled upon a case by case basis, andwill be detailed below based upon the warranty options available.
Our team at Torq Servois highly motivated to assist in every possible way regarding warrantysupport, but please be 100% aware that warranty support for theproduct(s) you have purchased may be handled directly via themanufacturer, and not through Torq Servo.
Ifyour product(s) involve direct manufacturer support, we are stillavailable to assist. We ask that the customer make the initialmanufacturer contact for warranty support, but in the case where amanufacturer response is not receive in (5) business days, Torq Servowill step in upon your behalf, utilizing our channels to assist you withthis manufacturer based support.
Inthe above case, Torq Servo will do everything in our power to make surethe manufacturer assists you directly, but please note that all suchwarranty in regards to an issue like this will still be directed throughthe manufacturer.
Warranty Related Issues
Pleasenote that Torq Servo is not a warranty repair center, nor do we offerwarranty regarding many items we resell. Product(s) purchased via TorqServo are subject to the original vendor’s repair / replacementwarranty, and will be directed to this vendor at our discretion.
TorqServo will not assume responsibility and / or liability for anymanufacturer defect, or damage due the use / misuse of the product(s)purchased. Further, Torq Servo cannot / will not be held liable forancillary damage to product(s) based upon a manufacturer fault ordefect. All such issues will be dealt with at the manufacturer basedlevel.
Ifyour item is found to have a fault or defect after installation or use,your product may be subject to warranty repair via the originalmanufacturer, no matter what the purchase date may be. Torq Servo doesnot cover repair, replacement or warranty via used / installed products.All such issues will need to be dealt with at the manufacturer level.
Damage Due to Ancillary Product Failure
Inregards to damage that directly results to a failed product installedin conjunction with another product, we are happy to assist in terms ofwarranty support for the product that has failed, but please be awarethat we cannot be held liable for ancillary damage to other items orcomponents that may have been damaged due to the original productfailure.
Warranty Returns
Ifyour product is approved by our customer service staff as a validreturn that we will handle directly, please note the below informationregarding all such approved warranty items sent to Torq Servo.
-Any item(s) approved for return to Torq Servo will be subject toinspection and or testing to verify the noted information provided bythe customer regarding the flaws, faults or damage.
-Due to the various aspects of testing, repair and other returnprocesses, please be aware that any such approve return will require (2)to (5) business days for proper processing. Our staff will certainly doall that we can to reduce this time to the bare minimum, but please beaware that the return process can take up to (5) business days tocomplete.
-If the product(s) approved for return are deemed faulty by our returnsspecialists, we will proceed with a repair or refund based upon thesituation at hand. All such information will be communicated to thecustomer before any re-shipment is made.
-In the case of product(s) returned to us that test to be non faulty,the product(s) will be returned to the customer in the conditionreceived, and our staff will reach out to the customer with necessaryinformation regarding what may have been missed, and what steps to takein order to utilize the product(s) effectively.
-For non faulty diagnoses of returned product(s), refunds, store creditsor exchanges cannot be offered, as the product(s) received cannot besold as new and unused.